The ideal elastic tile for especially large areas where no fall protection properties are required, easy to install and can be laid on unbound sub-bases.
Our large format elastic tile is called REGUPOL playfix EL and has a surface area of 2,000 x 1,000 mm. It also has the same high quality as our REGUPOL playfix E elastic tile. This large tile can be laid on all level surfaces, without a special sub-base having to be installed beforehand. The tile’s heavy deadweight means that no fixing or bonding is necessary and there are also very few joints. This is the main advantage of this tile and is precisely what makes it the ideal choice as a floor surface underneath swings and slides. Where children’s feet regularly hit the ground, our REGUPOL elastic tile prevents dents and hollows forming in the floor. This reduces the risk of accidents and prevents the formation of puddles and the build-up of dirt.