The precast concrete manhole bases with cradle by PREFABRICADOS ALBERDI S.A. are cylindrical on the inside, with concrete water pipe-work already executed and joined monolithically to the floor. This concrete cradle or half-pipe perfectly redirects the effluent and has a coat of coal-tar epoxy, depending on the aggressiveness of this effluent, always at the request of the customer. At the same time, it has flexible gaskets that ensure a watertight connection with the pipelines and the other modular pieces.
Another of the fundamental specifications of the concrete water cradles or half-pipes is that, due to their monolithic nature, the leaks that may occur between them and the vertical wall are prevented. In addition, unlike those of origin plastic, the prefabricated concrete bases for manholes can resist the sun perfectly while maintaining the properties they had before being installed on-site.
At the same time, every base module also consists of various pins to facilitate transport, loading and unloading and the positioning of these pieces on-site, providing greater speed, agility and safety in the execution.