The smallest light of Pilke Signature collection, Pilke 18 also comes in a wall version. It is well suited in both home or public spaces.
The smallest of the Pilke Signature collection, PILKE 18 can be used in tiny spaces, corners, above small tables or in creating installations. The crystal-like pattern creates beautiful shadows to the ceiling. The stylish geometric design and natural, sustainable wood bring warmth and wellbeing to your life. Traditional Finnish shingle work remastered by today’s computer technology enables assembly without using any glue or screws. Handcraftedin Finland.
Tuukka Halonen is the creator of the original Pilke Signature Collection. He studied at the Royal College of Art in London and worked several years for Habitat. After returning to Finland in 2005 he started his own design studio with the magic plywood touch.
My light idea: Enjoy the warm twinkle light.
My design: I have been influenced by traditional crafts employing wood in its various forms. It inspired me to create new interpretations of the craft heritage utilizing today’s manufacturing techniques and materials. I want to investigate material qualities, beauty of structures. Pilke Signature Collection is a unique example of geometrically decorative wooden lights.