A bold design, which expresses all the refinement of items manufactured in majolica with large radiating surfaces. Colours: Bianco, Ardesia, Grigio Cerato, Nero Opaco, Rosso Lava and Giallo Acceso. Door with flush curved glass for ample view of the flame. Adjustable, front hot air vent Also available with the BCS system.
To prolong the pleasure of warmth, Heat Storage System
The pleasure of the warmth is prolonged for hours after the flames go out. Once the wood has burned out, the stove will continue to warm the room, via radiation, allowing you to remain wrapped in warmth. The exclusive HSS Heat Storage System can release warmth for many hours after the flames have gone out. It can also be installed later on in stoves that are pre-arranged.
Heating with natural convection
This is the most traditional method of heating, which exploits the differences in room temperature to trigger the movement of air. The advantage of this technology is its utmost silence because the heat is spread through natural convection movements, without the aid of a ventilation motor.
Ducting with the Multifuoco® System
The Multifuoco System® allows you to maintain an even room temperature, thanks to natural convection currents. It avoids the layering of heat near the ceiling and ensures heat at floor level (our feet). Via a simple ducting system, consisting of small-diameter, flexible pipes, you can also heat other rooms in the house, even on different floors.