PHOMI MCM Roullato Stone is the luxurious-looking solution for exteriors and interiors, such as home spaces, galleries, shopping malls – walls, ceilings, columns of both round and rectangular shape.
Product weight: 6,47 kg/m²
Box dimensions: 2850x1270 mm
Pieces/box: 5
Kg/box: 110
M²/box: 17
Box/pallet: 1
The product texture conveys the feeling of the rock eroded through millions of years by rain and wind. The texture is delicate and subtle as warm Spring rain, creating its unique atmosphere.
Grouting: For the grouting we recommend to use the similar, nearest possible color for the joints or contrast one to create the best visual effects.
In case of outdoor installation: as for any kind of outdoor cladding we recommend to use high-quality flexible adhesive.
Seam: for the outdoor use we recommend to leave 4 mm seam between the tiles. In case of the interior use, when during the cladding exploitation period the temperature fluctuations are minimal, any type of adhesive is applicable and the seam 2 mm may be required.
During the outdoor use the product shows good self-cleaning capacities. In case of strong contamination, the high-pressured pure water cleaning (similar to the car washing jet) can be applied. The use of detergent additives is solely on the risk and discretion of the client. In case of the surface treatment by the sealant, the conventional “wet” maintenance can be applied with a clean water and a cloth that does not leave particles on the surface.