For over thirty years, Paver precast pigsties have been popular with breeders and technicians. Paver means experience, functionality, long life and versatility, to make pigsties of any structural type and cater to the specific requirements of animal farms.Pigsties designed to maximize production performance and ensure the well-being of the pigs. Pigsties, like all animal farm buildings, are built to last and are impossible to adapt to the needs of new technologies ? a heavy restriction as regards the economic results of farms.The characteristics of a pigsty affect the quality of the airand internal micro-climate, increasingly more important factors for providing the indispensable conditions needed to successfully raise the "new" animals (highly productive, but relatively less "rustic" than those of times past) which genetic upgrading has placed at disposal.PaverAgri buildings have been designed to ensure excellent performance in terms of microclimate, life of materials, resistance to aggressive environments, environment compatibility requirements and, last but not least, location in the landscape and rational management.