The numerous problems with managing a multi-purpose gym depend on the different uses envisaged. More specifically, how to seat the public is one of the main problems to solve.
The Patentverwag portable fixed grandstand is ideal for keeping costs down, when public numbers are between 150-300 people and when you need to move the grandstands frequently for various reasons.
This slim-line, modular structure is easy to move. All the modules are very easy to handle as they come in groups of terraces, gangways and the fourth row modules are equipped with swivel wheels. This layout is permitted only in a vertical position in a restricted space. In the horizontal layout, the modules rest on the ground on stainless steel, rubber protected feet to level off any unevenness. If the grandstand is not in use, the space it takes can be reduced as the three step module can be simply rotated from a horizontal to a vertical position. The light structure makes this an easy operation.