Reinterpreting classics by projecting them into contemporary times.
A collection that highlights the envelopping elegance of classical themes finding its inspiration in the most evocative nature aiming to live a magical trip atmosphere to the world’s boundaries.
Starting point is based on the reconfiguration of the “signs of the past” according to the formal way of today’s living. Tradition is revised on a contemporary key through a deep study of colours and chromatic and non –obvious combinations.
Hypnotic and dark Blue reminds the night sky; Azur expresses quiet while Grey is dreaming,ethereal and pervaded with Lilac; clear shades are creamy and tactiles; Green is vegetal and has a delicate flavour while Pink has a touch of shaded, warm,smooth and soft nuances.
Thema: an extra-pictorial scenario of values and visions.
CE marked in compliance with European standard EN 15102 and certified IGI (Global Wallcoverings Association ) in compliance with the product standards EN 233: 1999 ed EN 259-1: 2016. Certified ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)