With the 3D interface you can create linear frameworks to your specifications in external 3D design programs. The individual lines can be defined with profiles from the LogiKal® database. The integrated, user-friendly dialog navigation of LogiKal® allows you to define profiles as well as mullion/transom connection variants supporting you in the composition of profile assemblies. A preview window shows you all the profile elements as an overall cross-section.
The complete framework can be imported with all its profiles and parts lists into LogiKal®. Here is where you define inserts and glasses. A practical 3D view displays each step.
The 3D interface is available for packages including the HiCAD 3D design software from ISD Software und Systeme GmbH (www.isdcad.com) as well as for the Athena AutoCAD application from CAD-Plan GmbH (www.cad-plan.com).