MVP Series Duplex Control Panels
MVP Series duplex panels are digital, programmable panels used to control two alternating pumps and provide alarm functions in onsite septic systems, drainfields, Effluent Sewers (aka STEP sewers or Septic Tank Effluent Pumping Systems), and pressure sewers that require the use of two alternating pumps. Built-in alternating logic switches the “lead” and “lag” positions each pump cycle, and allows one pump to be manually selected and locked in for lead operation. MVP duplex panels offer several functions as standard, including elapsed time meters, counters, digital indication of float switch status, different alarm/light signals for varying alarm conditions, and the ability to use one type of float switch for all functions.
120-VAC controls circuit breaker
120- or 120/240-VAC pump circuit breakers
Motor-start contactors for pump circuits
Automatic/Off/Manual (Auto/Off/Man) toggle switch
7/8-in (22-mm) red visible alarm
95 dB audible alarm
Automatic alarm silence reset
Built-in elapsed time meter
Built-in event counter
Type 4X (IP 66) rated enclosure
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