Nundnet NU8811P1D is an electric strike lock for mechanical push bars, and the design makes it universal to be used for any type of push bar.
The strike lock is made of stainless steel of SUS 304 standard and can have the holding force of 2204.62 lbs. Being fail safe and fail secure, the lock can be used for any location. The device can be integrated with any third part device using the built-in Relay output NO, NC, COM . The push bar allows 90 degree door swing movement, and is operated with 12V/ (24DC option). Being weather proof, the device can be used outdoor as well.
· Made of stainless steel - · Fail safe/ Fail secure
· SUS 304 standard - · Relay output NO/ NC/ COM
· Holding force of 2204.62lbs - · 90 degree door swing movement
· Tough & robust - · 12V/24DC (option)
· 1, 500, 000 cycles tested · IP56/ IP65 (option)