-Think about the perfect workplace for you. Is it a quiet spot where you can concentrate, a comfort zone, or a meeting place? Function creates form, so while arranging a space, you also shape the direction of social relationships.
-Your meeting place : With their acoustic properties, Play&Work sofas can create a convenient meeting place inside any space. Upholstered panels dampen noise, ensuring you are not distracted by external sounds while having a conversation.
-Your comfort zone: Thanks to its minimalist form, Play&Work Soft Seating line is neither overwhelming or dominant. It will fit perfectly into a waiting lounge, reception area or meeting place, as well as any other space you wish to create.
-Create your space:Extensive palette of finishes colours and options, allow you to create a nearly infinite number of configurations and rearrangements. In this simple way, you can create a bespoke interior that is tailored to your needs.