Universal boiler for heating of medium and large premises. The universal retort burner allows burning of different fuel types as coal, wood-pellets and agri-pellets (straw pellets and sunflower pellets). Designed in accordance with Standard EN 303-5.
Set includes:
Combined boiler, Universal retort burner and Fuel hopper.
Pressure relief valve 3 bar
Fuel hopper
Built-in control unit
STB thermostat
Sensor prevents backfiring
Built-in control unit. Functions: Automatic combustion control; Controls the operation of central heating pump; Controls the operation of DHW (domestic hot water) pump.
Universal retort burner. Equipped for burning of different fuel types as coal, wood-pellets and agri-pellets (straw pellets and sunflower pellets). Two Cast Iron grates for coal and pellets; Robust Cast Iron burner body; Long service life and ease of maintenance.
Boiler combustion chamber with large heat exchanging surface and low chamber resistance.
Ribbed chamber surface is equipped with turbolators for longer retention of the gases into combustion chamber to increase boiler efficiency. Three-pass flue gas flow.
The water mantle embraces the combustion chamber in full to utilize the emitted heat most efficiently.
Fuel hopper. Lateral connection to the boiler. Leveling foot. Convenient hatch for fuel loading.
Controller for boiler temperature monitoring and control.
Pressure relief valve 3 bar.
Safety heat evacuator a tap-water-filled line passes through the upmost part of the boiler body. In case of overheating it is triggered open by a thermostatic valve.
STB thermostat stops fuel supply into the burner when normal temperature in the boiler increases.