The roller blind is both a contemporary design complement and a sun protection solution, optimal for residential as well as community and horeca environments. Roller blinds with chain drive are the most universal because they can be made in small sizes for windows and balcony doors or even in large sizes for large windows as energy-saving accessories.
The Sidewinder system is equipped with a gearless drive within the winding tube.
The system is suitable for filtering, blackout and reflective roller blinds. Ceiling, wall, window, recessed installation. Clutch and cap with safety catches, suitable for one-man installation.
QUICKFIX VERSION: Minimum overall dimensions for direct installation on window frames without drilling.
QuickFix systems are equipped with a support profile onto which a specific double-sided adhesive tape is applied.
By not drilling into aluminium and PVC frames, the thermal insulation is not affected and the frame warranty is maintained.