Highly-secure, reliable, low-maintenance, fully concealed, environmentally and user-friendly. For any lockers.
Smart locking system for your storage lockers at your office, commercial building or other facility is the right decision for many reasons. No more lost or broken keys. Actually, no keys at all. Forget about the time, money and stress when changing many hundreds or thousands lock batteries. Don’t forget you have to also dispose the empty ones. Forget about employees, who can’t get their locker open for whatever reason. In big companies, such problems are occurring on a daily basis. Someone needs to be available and also be able to solve it. As soon as possible.
Our secure, reliable, centrally managed and low-maintenance locker system removes all above mentioned problems in an instant. A worries-free solution. An environmentally friendly solution. Our smart workplace locker solution provides you a fully tailored, highly reliable, flexible and user-friendly workplace locker experience.You can use it in new or existing workplace lockers from any locker material (wood, HPL, metal, etc.)