The one and only.
Cryotherapy is all the rage in your line of work. Clients hope that whole-body cryotherapy will help them look and feel better. And by offering cryotherapy, businesses like yours – wellness providers, gyms and beauty studios – can attract new customers and grow their sales. It’s time to get yourself the perfect cryochamber: the cryo:one from MECOTEC!
Vital for your Business
Beauty and vitality are your business. So why not use the cryo:one state-of-the-art cryochamber to offer your clients a chance to lastingly improving their health and appearance? The cryo:one combines the treatment method of cryotherapy from the Far East with sophisticated German technology. This attractive system allows you to perform whole-body cryotherapy on your premises to improve your clients’ beauty and wellness.
The cryochamber from the leading manufacturer
MECOTEC is the world leader in electric whole-body cryotherapy. After all, we invented it! And that’s why we know exactly what makes a cryochamber stand out. It needs to perform convincingly. It needs to be easy to use. And it needs to have the potential to benefit your clients’ vitality and looks. The cryo:one fits the bill in all three departments!
With whole-body cryotherapy booming in the wellness and beauty sector, the cryo:one is a business investment that will quickly pay for itself. It’s so effective and cost-attractive that you can recoup your outlay in about two years. Are you interested in using MECOTEC’s cryo:one chamber for electric whole-body cold therapy in your studio?