Autonomy, tactile paving, is a simple system of markings in relief for floorings in interior and exterior public spaces. Composed of full-body porcelain stoneware tiles with advanced technical characteristics, the collection provides information for people who are partially sighted or blind. The coded message on the tiles can be “read” by using either their feet or their stick. The contrasting shades and the colours are useful means of communication for the partially sighted.
Square tiles measuring 20 x 20 cm, featuring four different types of geometric shapes and textures, corresponding to the two base codes accepted at European level (the straight ahead and the danger codes). These are coupled with two extra codes, the crossing and the attention codes, for those who believe in the necessity of a system with more information and codes. The colours are Panna for the straight path and Giallo for the stop code. The color difference for the stop code is a further help for the visually impaired.
Square tiles measuring 20 x 20 cm, featuring two different types of geometric shapes and textures, corresponding to the straight ahead code and the danger code, specifically designed to respond to the safety and independence requirements of blind and visually impaired people, for the Austrian market. Both codes are available in two finishes of the Graniti series: Graniti Grigio Scuro_GR and Graniti Grigio Chiaro_GR, to be used in a colour
which contrasts with that of the nearby floor.