Synthetic rubber latex admixture to improve mechanical strength of cementitious mixes for screeds and renders. Also for producing bonding slurries for Mapei Screeds and splatterdash coats for renders (eg Nivoplan).
Where to use:
As an admixture to improve the mechanical and adhesive characteristics of cement-based screeds, renders and thin smoothing layers.
As an admixture for highly adhesive cement bonding slurries.
Some application examples:
High strength cement screeds for interior and exterior use.
Cementitious bonding slurry for installing natural stone using the Mapestone system.
High strength cement renders for interiors and exteriors.
Cementitious bonding slurry to improve adhesion of conventional bonded screeds and screeds made from Mapecem Pronto or Topcem Pronto.
Bonding slurry made from Mapecem or Topcem to improve adhesion of bonded screeds made from the same types of binder.
Adhesive shotcretes for bonding renders.
Cement mortars for filling holes, reconstructing damaged areas and finishing surfaces on buildings and precast concrete elements.
Cementitious mortar for finishing off surfaces subjected to high levels of abrasion (industrial floors, ramps, channels) and for integrating small areas of worn floors
Packaging: Planicrete is available in 25, 10 and 5 kg tanks and 12x1 kg packages.