The cement walls of old factories and warehouses, worn away by the passage of time and industrial activity, acquire a silky quality in this Techlam® Deco Silk porcelain product.It seems an impossible mixture and yet its beauty is as elegant as it is radical. In its porcelain soul, Techlam® Deco Silk blends apparently opposing concepts such as the roughness of unpolished cement and the smoothness of antique silk. In its tonalities we can glimpse the changes in the tone of the cement, together with the remains of old render that have gradually created a subtle, industrial-style skin. The abrupt contrasts in this type of wall are softened by a faint veil of silk, the richest and most natural fabric, always surprising us with its changes in tone. Techlam® Deco Silk manages to successfully combine contradiction and paradox in a material set to make it big in latest-generation ambiences: industrial spaces, Boho-chic interiors and spectacular neo-baroque drawing rooms.