ADALINK™ is the LENNOX solution for HVAC installation monitoring. It can be connected to different units of the Lennox range, rooftops and chillers
ADALINK™ is the LENNOX solution for HVAC installation monitoring. It can control up to 32 units on the same site. It can be connected to different units of the Lennox range, rooftops and chillers.
Very easy to install, it can be used on any computer through Internet Explorer® locally and remotely via an internal modem (RTC or GPRS).
ADALINK™ can show the whole site map showing status of the different units, zoom on each unit and allow the user to graphically change set point, access alarm list, look at trend curves.
It is the ideal tools for maintenance specialist with an expert mode giving access to all the parameters and set point of the unit.
Finally, yearly scheduling is possible with a very smart and user-friendly drag and drop system.