Acoustic solid wood panel for wall cladding
Cross-section of slats
20 mm (face) x 42 mm (height)
Spacing between slats
34,54 mm
Centre distance of slats
54,54 mm
Black rear counter-slats
34 x 45 mm
Wood species
Pine, oak, douglas fir
Surface mass (pine)
9,8 kg/m²
Surface mass (oak)
11,6 kg/m²
Surface mass (douglas fir)
9,5 kg/m²
Openness percentage
Acoustic mineral wool tiles 2,4 kg/m2 surfaced with black fleece facing (format 600 x 600 mm; 20 or 22 mm thickness) Not supplied by Laudescher
Mechanical fixing by screwing:
– Selon DTU 36-2
– Selon NF EN 14915
Reaction to fire possibilities Euroclass B-s1,d0 or B-s2,d0 according to species and finishes.
The various data relating to acoustic absorption (αp, αw, absorption class) have been calculated according to ISO 11654 standard (LINEA + acoustic supplement).