Latermix Forte is a lightweight, shrinkage-compensated screed with a semi-dry consistency (damp soil). Lightweight screeds made with Latermix Forte are ideal for the renovation of existing floors and slabs, as they reduce overloads and, thanks to their compensated shrinkage, are suitable for application on large surfaces without joints.
Latermix Forte is a ready mix bagged mortar, based on Laterlite Plus expanded clay, which provides thermal insulation and reduced weight, ready for use as a screed after mixing with water.
Latermix Forte is suitable to take all types of floor covering in interiors, whether bonded or floating floor finishes.
• As a lightweight insulating screed for moisture-sensitive flooring and all other types of floor.
• As a lightweight insulating screed to take all types of flooring, including moisture-sensitive finishes
• As a lightweight insulating screed to cover large areas (up to 100 m2 without joints).