"Alla 62esima edizione del Salone del Mobile di Milano, Laminam presenta twO, il nuovo brand di superfici ultra sottili, leggere e sostenibili, che creano modi di abitare infinitamente versatili, multiformi, originali, ispirati e sempre più sostenibili. Con twO, Laminam abbassa la soglia di spessore conosciuta fino ad oggi e alza l’asticella qualitativa dell’innovazione tecnologica di settore. L’instancabile ricerca tecnica e un pionieristico know-how applicativo aprono la strada a un’innovazione mai vista prima, un vero e proprio punto di svolta nel mondo dell’abitare.
A full, intense and embracing color; breathe in fully in front of a virgin forest, then breathe out: your space is an extension of nature. The Muschio color responds to design choices which speak of a profound desire to reconnect with the natural environment, the need to be rooted in the simple yet extraordinary wonders that only nature can offer. Its adaptability to different solutions, from living spaces to commercial environments, is enhanced by a chromatic effect designed to both welcome and astound. The finish conveys an almost palpable effect of comfort and reinvigoration through its tactile call: the Muschio shade therefore puts itself forward as an ally of comfortable spaces, dedicated to well-being. This is a quality characteristic of all the shades of the Gemini collection: with twO, the revolutionary surfaces which are the thinnest in the world, Laminam is redefining the essence of design itself, at just 2 millimeters of thickness, creating infinitely versatile and more sustainable ways of living.