Simple sealing automatic swing door with HPL panel
The H-BAL series single sealing automatic swing doors by Label have a HPL panel, available in 125 variants and are available in tree types:
. H-BAL1 – Single-leaf automatic swing door, opening width up to 1,200 mm
. H-BAL2 – Double-leaf automatic swing door, opening width up to 2,000 mm
. H-BAL2A – Double-leaf asymmetric automatic swing door, opening width up to 2,000 mm
All models are available with push or pull arm and can be converted into hermetically sealing doors with the appropriate kit.
They are high quality “TECHNICAL” doors intended for operating theatres, laboratories, surgeries, and highly aseptic environments in general.
The automatic version of the door comes with a wall frame equipped for hinges, ready to be mounted on wall rabbets or on a subframe. It can be supplemented with the following accessories: vision panel, handle, bump-strip, pulse devices and safety sensors (radar, infrared sensors).
The seal is ensured by expanded EPDM gaskets mounted on the aluminium profiles that cover three sides of the leaf perimeter.
A rigid-bristle brush is installed on the bottom edge and an hermetic seal kit is available on request.
. Automation model NEP250SLT2 for swing doors, motorized opening and spring-actuated
closure, for maximum 1,500 mm wide leaf.
. Maximum weight for each leaf: 250 kg (up to 800 mm)
. Maximum leaf width: 1,500 mm (up to 100 kg)
. Automation dimensions (HxDxL) 110x120x550 mm