Home entertainment
Manufacturers of entertainment electronics produce many small devices in the 80x80 mm format such as radios, loudspeakers and charging stations. These can be fitted quickly and easily into existing cable trunking systems
BRS METRO trunking base
The basic profile is a “trunking within a trunking” solution. A U-shaped bottom section whose dimensions for projects are highly variable and that can accommodate units that are already installed if required by the building owner.
BRS METRO upper section
The upper sections can be designed to accept floor coverings. This may be with a one-sided folding hinge, a magnetic catch or simply by laying. Fitted with a brush profile on the side, which functions as a cable outlet, this unit makes for a clever solution.
BRS METRO interior
Set into a floor, it is only necessary to leave a few places in the floor free at the planning stage where the system is intended to serve in future as a connection point for all communications units.