2-component, aliphatic polyurethane resin, suitable for use as an aggregate
stone binder. Designed for use as a binder for pavement applications that
allows for a smooth floor, modern, tough, low maintenance, porous or semiporous finish, depending on the type of aggregates used. The surface finish is
a seamless, hard and resistant.
In order to achieve a good bonding, support must be:
1. Flat and leveled
2. Coct and cohesive (pull off test must show a minimum resistance of 1,5 N/mm2).
3. Even and regular surface
4. Free from cracks and fissures. If any, they must be previously repaired.
5. Clean and dry, free of dust, loose particles, oils, organic residues or laitance.
Asphalt supports must be clean and dry. For more information on treatment of critical spots, consult our technical service. Edges of the application can be finished with brick, stone, concrete, for a high quality finish.
Support temperature should be between 10ºC and 25ºC. At higher temperatures, specific precautionary measures must be taken. At lower temperatures, curing is very slow. Please follow manufacturer advice. Support moisture should be less than 4%. High temperature and moisture conditions can lead to bubbling/foaming. Preferred air conditions are 10-30ºC and 30-80% rh