On the occasion of the winter holidays, we have prepared a special offer for the M47 Phoenix and M47 Simplicity!
Between 22 December, 2023 and 31 January, 2024, the M47 Phoenix is available together with an additional 250g bag of specialty coffee roasted for Kinu.
The M47 Phoenix comes with a readily installed aluminum O-ring catch cup – the 2024, upgraded version of the grinder.
The upgraded grinder now feels even more premium to use and is sturdier than ever, thanks to the solid metallic cup, with a smooth aluminum body and stainless steel bottom, firmly attached to the grinder with a silicone O-ring.
More about the grinder’s features:
High-end, stainless-steel single dose manual coffee grinder.
High precision axis alignment, no adjustment needed.
Silicone grip band for easy handling.
Micrometrical, stepless, reproductible and effortless grind size adjustment.
47mm professional grade conical burrs for fast grinding, Black-Fusion treated.
Ball-bearing movement throughout.
New light-weight aluminum cup with O-ring.
EVA Travel Hard Case included.
The specialty coffee included is roasted for Kinu by our friend Bogdan Georgescu, the World Coffee Roasting Vice-Champion. Keep reading to check out the cupping notes and more information about this wonderful coffee.
Origin: Brazil
Region: Araxa, Minas Gerais, Cerrado Mineiro
Farm: Fazenda Barinas
Producer: Márcio Borges
Fermentation: Induced Anaerobic Natural
Arabica Variety: Topazio
Cupping notes: melon, banana, almonds, high silky body, low acidity, high sweetness
Altitude: 1000 m
Roasting profile: Omni Light – good for espresso/filter
Resting Period: Filter – 7 days / Espresso – 14 days