Professional nurseries, landscapers, greenhouse growers and hydroponic farmers all over the world can benefit from the range of advantages the Jiffy Pot provides.
You can save on labor with Jiffy Pots because you don’t need to de-pot: simply pot on or plant out – Jiffy Pot and all. You get faster rooting with a Jiffy Pot than with a plastic pot, thanks to no root disturbance and less root-zone temperature fluctuations. You can also reduce water consumption by 20% when Jiffy Pots are combined with the Jiffy Pot Tray, as this allows shorter, or less frequent, watering cycles.
Stronger roots
Zero plastic
A large part of all Jiffy Pots are 100% home-compostable and approved for organic production.
Jiffy Pot sizes range from 5.5 to 15 centimetres (round) and 4 to 9 centimetres (square), with most sizes available in pre-loaded growing trays.