35 Linear opens new opportunities for the use of light that go beyond illumination.
It becomes a communicative element, across multiple sectors: residential, hospitality, retail, commercial, food & beverage arrangements, art installations.The three-segment 35mm core allows 35 Linear to be symmetrical and homogenous one moment and asymmetric and targeted the next.Imagination comes to light.
35 linear system has three different types of light: indirect diffused uplight, direct diffused downlight, and accent lighting.35 Linear is a cylindrical element that can create diffused uplight and/or diffused downlight.Nanoperfetto 35 spotlight is a miniaturized adjustable spotlight for accent lighting.Using these modular elements, the 35 system can be configured to shape the light as required, with flexibility in forms and functions.
35 is born dynamic; it was envisaged as pixel controlled from its creation; therefore, it can be supplied in RGBW, DMX or SPI controllable linear lengths with individual pixel control lengthways and in 360°. This allow designers the freedom to specify a fully dynamic version or use this dynamic feature as part of the architectural version of the product.