Capacity : 3x40 L
Weight: 91 Kg
Design: LAND Italia
The cylindrical litter bin for separate waste collection is made of sheet steel d. 15/10 cold galvanized and powder coated PP in RAL 7024.
The litter bin has internal dividers in sheet steel d. 12/10 useful for containing the bags, the bag holders are made with a 6 mm diameter
galvanized steel rod. The lid of the RECYBIN is made of steel d. 30/10 subsequently galvanized. The lid is fixed to the body of the bin by means of a sturdy three-wing hinge of depth. 30/10. The lid is provided with a triangular key lock. Frames obtained by laser cutting of 15/10 depth pre-galvanized steel sheets are applied to the lid, they can be customized both in color and for the writing that indicates the type of waste you want to conferred.
The base of the bin is made of cement colored with cobalt oxides and white aggregates, recessed and raised by 90 mm. The raised part facilitates cleaning and makes the dirt at the base of the bin less visible. On the outside of the bin, wooden slats painted in a light gray RAL 9018 matt color are applied, dimensions mm 40x15.
Optional: Rain cover made of galvanized steel and powder coated PP in RAL 7024, complete with a 2 mm thick IRON disc and 4 mm reinforcement and white cement top with colored aggregates. 2 stainless steel cables are supplied with the cover to secure the cover and avoid zipper breakage.