ForCell GeoArme Wall Products are three-dimensional products made from HDPE or PE alloys and used as a front-face component for GeoArme retaining walls. ForCell GeoArme Products are created by combining plastic strips through ultrasonic welding to obtain a structure with three-row orifices in diamond shape. They are also called cellular filling system. The front strip is unperforated. The five strips on the back allow for the flow of water with its perforated structure, and ensures interlocking with the filling material.
GeoCells are used as front-face components in GeoArme-type Geogrid reinforced retaining walls and ensure pot space for planting. The panels are placed by stretching them on the pulleys to open the cells. If necessary, they can be fastened with metal or polymer rods to ensure that two layers transfer loads to each other.
GeoCell panels are combined with materials such as locked plastic strips and staples. Ready-mixed concrete can be poured under it for leveling purposes, or a well-leveled ground can be compacted by a roller to prepare a suitable base. Weight-type retaining walls can be also made by using only GeoCell. The dimensions of the panel can be applied according to the wall dimensions required in the project.
■ Highways retaining walls
■ Railways retaining walls
■ Airports retaining walls
■ Retaining walls in the construction of houses
■ Retaining walls in industrial buildings
■ Weight walls
■ Sound Barriers