ForCell Erosion Control Products, which are manufactured from HDPE or PE alloys as a three dimensional product and have orifices in diamond shape, are used for preventing surface erosion that wind and water might cause before plantation on slope surfaces.
GeoCells are used for three different purposes as erosion control products on slopes, as protection concrete formwork in canals and dams and and as load bearing component on green roofs. They are fixed to the ground with iron or polymer rods on slopes with a properly-prepared surface. The materials are fixed to the ground with the anchor ditches formed.
GeoCell panels are combined by using materials such as locked plastic strips and staples. If there are any materials such as geomembranes in the area of application that might be damaged by the anchor rods under the geocell, it can be applied by using ropes and fixation parts between the anchor trenches on top and heel.
It is generally applied on top of non-woven or knitted geotextiles to prevent the soil from being drained from the bottom.
It is used in the following areas:
■ Highway and railroad side slopes
■ Pond and channel shore slopes
■ Dry channel bottoms and slopes
■ Membrane protection layers in dams
■ On green roofs
■ Waste storage area slopes
■ To prevent scour at culvert outlets
■ It adapts to the surface with its flexible structure.
■ It creates a pot structure suitable for planting.
■ It can be filled with different materials such as vegetable soil, gravel, concrete etc.
■ Because there is no need for expert implementation team, it ensures savings on workmanship.