Composite post in hot-dip galvanized steel FE 510 UNI 7810 CE certified
Height Total F.t. mt. 8.5
Tapered steel pole with hot-dip galvanized circular sections according to the UNI EN ISO 1461 standard,
composed of five pipes welded together at the tapers (B), having the
following dimensions: diam. cm. 30 x 210 th. 8mm - dia. cm. 25 x 170 th. 8mm - dia. cm. 21
x 230 th. 8mm - dia. cm. 16 x 320 th. 8mm - dia. cm. 110 x 200 th. 8mm..
The various joint tapers of the various diameters will be performed by engaging the larger diameter
small for a length of cm. 30 in the largest diameter connected by joint washers
mm thick. 8.
The pole is designed for hooking the wire network to the tramway at a height of mt. 6 is to bear a load
thrust of 1200 Kg. The pole will be equipped with an M 10 screw for earthing indicated by
special plate, with a slot (dim . cm. 15 x 4) for the passage of cables. The pole ends with
a cast aluminum sphere. No. 03 three stainless steel rings are fixed to the pole
polished brushed, with M10 bolt; n°05 galvanized steel flanges connected to the pole by means
welding. Pastoral arm in hot-dip galvanized steel according to the UNI EN ISO 1461 standard,
composed of a tube of circular section of dia. cm. 4.8 sp 4 protruding from the pole cm. 1250
fitted with a 1” threaded bushing for hooking up the lighting fixture.