Contemporary workspaces and teaching spaces require flexible and highly functional tables to be able to create different layouts and thus modulate the environment quickly and easily. Archimede is the table on castors with a trapezoid flip-top designed by IBEBI to revolutionise professional and school environments. Archimede AT is designed to offer versatility and practicality: it adapts perfectly to meeting and training rooms, multimedia environments and even smart working, transforming your home into an efficient office. The trapezium shape of Archimede makes it ideal as an end to meeting tables, allowing you to create modular and customised solutions. The flip-top on castors, available in different lengths and depths, ensures ease of movement and optimisation of space. Dynamic, functional and innovative, Archimede reflects the IBEBI philosophy of offering flexible and versatile furnishings. Archimede is also available in a rectangular version and conforms to GPP (Green Public Procurement). Apart from being aesthetically pleasing, this table meets the needs of adaptability and sustainability required by modern professional and educational environments. With Archimede, IBEBI asserts its vocation for creating furnishings capable of improving the quality of the environment, supporting the potential of those who work or study there. A functional, designer table, ready to meet the needs of those looking for intelligent and practical solutions.