The Whirlpools are made in acrylic or made-to-measure ready to be tiled. This bath can welcome one or several persons depending on the size. It relieves from muscular cramps and muscle fatigue, improves blood circulation and brings an immediate well being. In the medical spas the whirlpool is used to relieve from pains and joint problems. The air bubbles relax the body and the water jets stimulate the system. It is possible to program the zone to be treated and the kind of massage wanted.
This whirlpool bath, also known as Jacuzzi, is a little basin with an engine, water and air jets, with relaxation as a main effect. There are two types : for private or professional use. The technique used by Hydroconcept is for a professional use.
The overflowing whirlpool bath is usually installed in the swimming pools, it is then made-to-measure. When it is installed next to a basin it can be in acrylic or made-to-measure. The overflowing spa is compulsory for group installations because of the risk of contamination. The little volume of water and the temperature make a favourable environment for bacteria and a strict monitoring and a good regulation are required in these basins.
The temperature of the bath is between 30°C and 36°C.