Our swimming pools offer you the possibility to redefine swimming. Irrespective of being inside, outside, square-shaped, round or otherwise formed, our indoor and
outdoor pools make the stay in the element of moisture varied and pleasurable. And all of that in various materials: from Aquarixx to Inox
Regarding swimming pool construction, we adapt ourselves to your needs and wishes. A thorough consultation is just as self-explanatory as a careful execution of your order by our experienced and qualified technicians. Treat yourself or your guests to a refreshing and healthy swim indoor swimming pool belonging to the hotel. We fulfil the wishes of hoteliers, thermal pool and swimming pool operators, architects, planners as well as private individuals who would like to live out their spa dream. Depending on the design, you can engage in sports in our swimming pools or train your power and endurance in a manner that is easy on the joints or simply relax to your hearts content. You can do whatever you desire. We will provide for a suitable atmosphere.