Additional options
Including corresponding frame; only available for bathtubs without whirlpool system (exception: Tergum)
The iSensi bath is made of bathroom-quality acrylic – a warm welcome to the new spacious HOESCH comfort zone. iSensi offering an extremely spacious comfort zone. This is provided for by the centrally positioned outlet in the oval basic shape. The positive properties of the highgrade cast bathroom quality acrylic also provide for relaxation and well-being. The material insulates heat extremely well and its surface is very smooth, pore-free and insensitive. This feels pleasantly warm and cosy, as well as being easier to look after.
Typ - iSensi Vorwand
EAN code - 4044559326217
Hoesch products set the benchmark for quality, comfort
and design. To assure optimal function and a long life
cycle of your product please comply with the following
instructions. Each delivery is strictly controlled before
leaving the factory. Check the completeness of the
delivery before starting installation. Products represented
here are subject to technical and visual modifi cations!
All dimensions data is in mm. We are not liable for
defects resulting from non-conventional usage, improper
transport or faulty intermediate storage. Our respectively
valid warranty conditions are in force.
After showering / bathing, rinse out the product surface
with water and wipe with a damp cloth. Never use
abrasive cleaners to clean the tub! To clean the tub more
thouroughly on occasion, use a small amount of cleaning
liquid (such as Hoesch Cleaner Article No. 699900).