The "Terrazzo" floor give a decorative aesthetic appearance which combines the classic beauty of marble with the durability of epoxy resins.
Resin marble terrazzo floors are particularly suitable for very busy rooms where the decorative aspect is very important.
Example: shopping mall, administrations, station hall, hospitals, bank, terminal, restaurant, hotel, exhibition spaces, shops, museums.
Implementation :
The mortar type layer is applied manually, thickness 9 to 12 mm, on a non-solvent-based primer.
A helicopter with metal blades then smooths out the mortar. After 24 to 48 hours the following operations can be undertaken:
Roughing, sanding, cleaning with water, mouth for poring, finishing sanding.
The marble surface thus obtained has a thickness of approximately 7 mm. Our Granito epoxy type marble flooring is subject to technical advice and benefits from a UPEC U4P4 classification from CSTB.
Interview :
For easy maintenance, crystallization is highly recommended.
Benefits :
Terrazzo aspect, aesthetic and decorative.
Good wear resistance and easy maintenance.
Surface without seal and no shrinkage because no water is present in the mixture, thickness 7 mm.
No cracking due to shrinkage and therefore no re-sawing every 20 m. Significantly lower than some products landing in 20 mm minimum and despite everything, much lower in terms of resistance.
Very large choice of colors according to the aggregates and the transparent binder which can be tinted as desired.