■ Mini fans of high quality.
Equipped with ball bearings
provides maintenance free
operation, silent run and
makes installation in any posi-
tion possible.
HR 90 KE.. models are fitted
with electric shutter. The elec-
tric shutter behind the facia
opens and closes tightly and
quietly. The shutter operates
automatically with fan operati-
on; therefore there is no air
transference when fan is not
in operation.
■ Similarities of HR 90 K
and.. 12 V-models
■ Advantages of ball bearings
□ Quiet and reliable performance
under continuous operation.
□ Acoustically tested long life ball
bearings are greased for life
(approx. 30000 hours running).
Maintenance, re-greasing and
cleaning of bearings are not re-
quired. saving time and mcfiey.
□ Even under harshest conditions
the fans will perform quietly for
□ Ball bearings and motor are de-
signed for long-term durability,
constant performance and life-
long operational safety.