Floor convectors without a ventilator of a series “LINE Pool” are devices functioning on the basis of a physical phenomenon called “natural convection”. Convection is understood as a vertical movement of a significant air flow generated by temperature difference of its macro-particles that move in upward direction during the temperature increase. Series “LINE Pool” convectors are designed for heating swimming pool rooms, areas with hight humidity, etc., mostly places with different kinds of glass or stain-glass windows, walls installed. Due to the unique functions our convectors provide not only economical room heating, but also a comfortable stay in it due to the fact that the glazed area is divided by a warm air flow curtain that additionally heats the air in the room.
Line Pool - type convectors are made of 316 L stainless steel and are resistant to chlorinated water.
Company “HEATMANN” using only the best materials in our heat-exchange units offers a very effective device in respect of the heating space capacity. Very high room heating velocity is acquired by the means of heating super small amount of heat-carrying agent and optimally used materials in the whole heating system, and in such a manner high efficiency of this device is acquired. In comparison of classical steel radiators with the same heating capacity require ten times more water and consequently use more energy for heating this water.