Model Berlin 12 F is a so-called "sprung floor”, also known as double swing beam system. It can be installed on raw concrete, even if the sub-floor is not perfectly even, since the uneven parts can be levelled simply by placing equalising material under the swing-beam pads.
Model Berlin features a 18.3 mm-thick HARO sports parquet consisting of a premium choice parquet top layer supported by a top-quality plywood core and solid spruce finger strips. The 5.6 mm parquet top layer receives a factory-applied PERMADUR finish for a superior performance and surface protection.
Berlin 12 F fully meets the requirements of the German DIN V standard 18032-2; April 2001, EN 14904 and is officially approved by the Federation of International Basketball Association (FIBA). It is quality-tested according to RAL GZ 942, meets the requirements of ÖISS 2005 and a national technical approval ("bauaufsichtliche Zulassung") has been granted for this product.