InPro Formatrac ™
InPro Formstrac™ is manufactured with a 99% recycled aluminum core and ABS (non-PVC) shell. This patent-pending product results in the most-durable and lightweight bendable track. InPro Formatrac™ carriers slide quietly and effortlessly across the track.
InPro Formatrac™ is available in three standard lengths; 2.4m, 4.9m and 32m rolls. This allows for virtually any length or radius bend required. InPro Formatrac™ is both easy to install and works with virtually any ceiling type including both regular and flush ceiling tile.
InPro Shield ™
InProShield™ is an anti-bacterial and stain resistant fabric for use as privacy and shower curtains, window treatment and bedspreads. Shield combines anti-bacterial properties with stain resistance for easy maintenance. It incorporates Aegis Microbe Shield ™ technology to support the elimination of the micro-organisms.
Main Features
Flexible, durable, lightweight
Any length or radius bend is feasible