Indoor unit control application for smartphones.
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth communication
Information always accessible in the cloud
Remote access
Time band management
IOS- and Android-compatible application
Can be used with all indoor units governed by EVO
APP iOS complaints
APP Android complaints
All the advanced EVO control functions are present in the application, which is therefore able to activate/deactivate dehumidification cycles, activate the minimum temperature function, and activate or deactivate the time bands that define the switching on and off of the devices.
The application makes available information about the status of the fan coil unit and some accessories that are currently connected. Among other things, it is possible to evaluate the opening/closing status of the valve, the water supply temperature, and the possible presence of an alarm in the air temperature probe reading.
Two possible communication alternatives are available: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. In the first case information is sent to the cloud and any device using the application can consult or change the settings wherever an internet connection is available. The second mode is the stand-alone mode; it is capable of transforming a smartphone into a remote control for the fan coil unit.
It is the device used to enable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth communication between EVO BOARD and the smartphone on which the GALLETTI APP application is present. It is to be placed on the side of the fan coil unit and draws power directly from EVO.