With rigid stabilizer base and work platform. Can be extended by rope
• Folding semi-vertical ladder with 14° inclination.
• Can be folded and disassembled for storage
• 30 x 30 mm square-section non-slip rung with rung-vertical upright connection with internal and external edging
• Height adjustment from rung to rung, with textile balck rope
• Sections held in place by automatic steel hooks with safety lock
• Resting platform dimensions mm. 290 x 260
• Sturdy rigid base in galvanized steel. Can be completely disassembled. Equipped with 4 screw outriggers useful for well stabilizing on the ground
• N°4 Ø 200 mm. wheels Made in Italy with brakes and crush-proof polyurethane nucleus, anti-erosion
• To use with specific P.P.E. planned (see GUIDELINE FOR RUNGED LADDERS + art. DPI BSCALA + harness with breastbone coupling DPI IMBRAGA2)
• Year of manufacture and manufacturer's trademark
• Booklet with instructions for use
• Si.Prev. test on request € 178.50 net + VAT
Una scala ideata per effettuare lavorazioni semplici e rapide ad altezze elevate.
Completamente smontabile per il trasporto e dotata di una base solida e robusta, in acciaio zincato, permette di assicurare bene la scala a terra.