Wittgenstein’s ingenious idea: to enable fittings to be attached to narrow stiles whilst avoiding hands getting caught between slamming face and door jamb, in the 1920s the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein had a cranked door handle made for the slamming face to his own drawings that he combined with an uncranked male lever handle on the leading face. This idea had a crucial impact upon the design of handle ranges and continues to do so today. FSB includes just such a set of narrow stile door lever handles in each of its new handle collections.
As well as supplying a complete range of narrow style door fittings such as lever handles, knobs and pulls in metal, plastic or wood, over the years FSB has constantly honed its fixing systems in line with the specific requirements of narrow stile doors and their fittings.
All FSB heavy-duty narrow stile door fittings feature an oval or square rose, an integrated positive mechanism and turnably fixed sliding bearings. Fixing is concealed and is carried out using M5 countersunk screws at 50 mm centres. Standard versions are visibly fixed and do not include the positive mechanism.
Door handle for framed doors