Takes sound reduction to the next level. Acoustic floors have an important contribution when it comes to reducing noise in buildings. Forbo Flooring is a specialist in acoustic floors with more than 30 years of experience. In our Sarlon acoustic vinyl range we offer floors with an impact sound reduction of up to 19dB in a wide variety of colours and designs.
Sarlon acoustic flooring
..takes sound reduction to the next level
Reducing noise pollution to a minimum can prevent adverse effects on the human body, such as sleeping disorders, stress, headaches, memory loss, aggressiveness and learning difficulties. That’s why acoustic performance is essential when designing a building.
30 Years of experience in acoustic floor coverings
Acoustic floors are key when it comes to reducing noise in buildings. Forbo Flooring is a specialist in acoustic floor coverings with more than 30 years of experience. We have specific industry knowledge that allows us to deliver
best-in-class acoustic floors for every application.
Maximize impact sound reduction
The floor coverings in the Sarlon acoustic vinyl range have been developed and tested to maximize impact sound reduction while meeting the needs of heavy traffic commercial areas. To suit all types of applications, our Sarlon acoustic vinyl range offers 2 levels of impact sound reduction: 15dB and 19dB.
Sound reduction versus residual indentation
Each one of our floor coverings takes 2 key criteria into account: Impact sound reduction & residual indentation.