Versatile and creative, 7 modules to create endless solutions. The modular wall panelling is practical to use in a variety of different environments, from bedrooms and studios to living rooms and contract settings.
A detailedprogram rich in padded box springs, complété with modular wall panel.
Ail completely removable. Beds / mattress supports in three-dimensionalflame retardant and breathable fabric, orslatted.
Low on the floor or high. Always with legs and wheels for easy handling and modularity, as well as with locking System.
The modular wall panel, complété with handy table trays that can be positioned anywhere, is used for the headboards, side panels, or fumiture in general.
Queen size box spring version Available with slatted support. Possibility to have a big drower (C) or pull-out twin bed with automatic (A) or semiautomatic opening (B).
The modular wall panel, complete with handy table trays that can be positioned anywhere, is used for the headboards, side panels, or furniture in general.
Forgings fir wood, and/or boxed in poplar plywood. Panels 18/25 mm in poplar wood particles class E1 low formaldehyde emission and natural wood fiber. Polyurethane foam, crushproof, of different capacity, density from 18 kg/mc to 40 kg/mc. First coating hot bonded polyester foam, velvet adhesion in polyester and/or 100% polyester wool, 200gr. Container bottom panels 12-14 mm in poplar wood particles class E1.