Structured CAD data
Automated analysis of floor plans
hylasFM structures new or existing CAD floor plans. The results can be used within regular CAFM software that requires geometrical and non-geometrical building data. Any complex data structures (rooms, openings, walls, equipment, etc.) can be captured and used for various aspects, such as:
Surface analysis using various standard
Inventory management
Cleaning Management
Technical infrastructure
... and much more.
Results can be:
Tables (for further processing in databases or spreadsheets)
XML files with associated schema (XML Browser)
ADT objects, spaces or ALLPLAN AutoCAD blocks
Clearly structured CAD plans
Meaningful visualizations (shading, line and point signatures)
The software is fully integrated into the well-known AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT environment. Through robust pattern recognition and database-compliant organization the time for data acquisition will be rapidly reduced. Additionally, data quality increases significantly because typing errors are avoided while continuous and automatic plausibility tests are verifying the results.
structured FM data
automated floor plan analysis
Independent from the final FM system
Automatic plausibility testing