Due to the substantial increase of the environment noise produced by human activities, mainly due to means of transport, railways or aerial and industrial areas, it was necessary to create barriers between these locals and urban areas in order to ensure the commodity of its residents.
Therefore, in the nearby of these locals are place vertical barriers which interpose between the receiver / transmitter focus, aiming to reduce the noise achieving this last one.
Farcimar has developed several solutions with different materials, providing a range of products with a composition and geometry specially designed to reduce the environment noise levels.
There are two types of noise barriers manufactured and sold by Farcimar, the reflecting and absorbing noise barrier panels. On the one hand, the reflecting barriers are composed by a panel in reinforced concrete with finishing usually flat. On the other hand, the absorbing barriers are composed by a panel of structural concrete and another of porous concrete with absorbing capacity and “tooth” geometry increasing the performance, as it allows getting better the noise absorbing characteristics.