ECCOdal grass grids are strong grass grids made from recycled material that feature expansion joints to absorb thermal and mechanical stresses. ECCOdal grass grids provide a permeable suface, on which you can walk and (sporaddically) drive, with a green touch.
More and more we are seeing issues with a shortage of groundwater on the one hand and flooding on the other hand, all because water is unable to permeate into the ground due to an increase in paved surfaces (concrete, tiles, paving blocks, etc.). This is why the Flemish Region has introduced stricter legislation on precipitation, effective since 1 January 2014: precipitation/rainwater must either be collected in a rainwater reservoir, or be allowed to permeate into the ground. Grass grids and gravel sheets allow you to have a water-permeable surface, therefore allowing water to readily permeate into the ground. This prevents both a shortage of groundwater and prevents flooding, all without having to invest in a costly drainage system. This also reduces our ecological footprint and prevents the limitation of natural habitats.
ECCOdal grass grids are made from recycled material (mix PE-PP) this allows them to remain flexible, even in freezing temperatures, and they will therefore not break. In addition, ECCOdal grass grids have expansion joints to deal with temperature differences, so the grass grids will not shift against each other. Moreover, ECCOdal grass grids are also suited for cars, thus the ideal surface for an (additional) parking area or driveway that is used sporadically.